I'm currently feeling the effects of watching 3 seasons straight of
Maria-sama ga Miteru and a 17-episode season of
Kokoro Connect from Friday to Monday. The feeling isn't really that great. I feel like I ate too many potatoes. I spent Friday, Saturday and part of Sunday finishing up
Maria-sama ga Miteru (31 Episodes since i finished season 1 some time ago) and the rest of Sunday and most of Monday watching
Kokoro Connect.
I would have continued watching more but i think i should stop for now before my obsession starts to take over my entire being and when that time comes, it would be too late.
Anyways, on with my review of Kokoro Connect.
Kokoro Connect tells a story of 5 high school students, Taichi, Iori, Himeko, Yui and Yoshifumi who are all part of Cultural Research Club. One day, Yui and Yoshifumi swapped bodies without warning. The next day, the same thing happens to the other club members. The swapping of bodies between the five students threw their daily life in disarray as they began to suffer the effects of the swapping of bodies - emotionally.
However, after that phenomenon, another phenomenon occurred whereby the 5 students' (deepest) desires would be unleashed, followed by them turning back to when they were younger (for 5 hours before they turn back to normal) and remembering stuff from when they were of that age and finally, transmitting of emotions between the five of them randomly.
Just by reading that you could already foresee the troubles they all faced. Just by experiencing this unnatural phenomenon caused by the whims of a mysterious being called Heartseed, their calm lives were shattered, the relationship between them starts to change as painful scars that were once buried inside their hearts were exposed, ultimately putting their friendship to test. Past trauma and secrets were also exposed as the five of them struggle to continue on with their daily lives without letting anyone know of the burden they each carry under the warning of Heartseed.
This anime explores human emotions and feelings, what we actually are like, how fragile human beings are and how sometimes we let our emotions get better of us, causing us to inadvertently hurt others by what we say. This is explicitly shown under the "unleashing of your desires" and "transmitting of emotions" phenomenon. All five of them went through hell because of the unexplained phenomenon. Heartseed caused this phenomenons to happen for his own amusement, and wouldn't hesitate to 'spice things up' if things start to get 'boring' or 'uninteresting' --- (e.g. hiding inside your room everyday and not going to school etc)
This anime is like all the supernatural/unnatural phenomenon (that involves only humans) out there that you can think of mashed into one huge emotional story of love and friendship. The characters are all unique, and can be surprising at times. When you think you know a character very well, they'd spring something else onto you, leaving you shocked and surprised.
I really like this anime (and its characters as well) and would definitely re-watch it sometime in the future. That's how awesome this anime is. If the plot doesn't capture your interest, then maybe the characters will. I hope.
From right to left: Yaegashi Taichi, Inaba Himeko, Nagase Iori, Kiriyama Yui, Aoki Yoshifumi |
Tachi's a 'selfless freak' (dubbed by Himeko). He is selfless and would try to help anyone in trouble, which, according to Himeko (and much to her chagrin) , would naturally make girls swoon over him. He would naturally sacrifice himself to save others and his desire to help others would often override his rational mind.
Himeko is the vice president of the club, and would often react violently to Tachi's or Yoshifumi's jokes. She is nicknamed "Inaban" by Iori (later "Derebun" -laughs-) and is generally distrustful of others and worries a lot. However, she is the most calm and rational amongst the five when dealing with unexpected situations. She's also the sharpest and perhaps the most sensitive of the five.
Iori is the president of the club. An easygoing and cheerful person, she lives alone with her mother who is seldom at home. She has had 5 (i think) stepfathers, of which one or two are pretty violent. Hence in order to fit their expectations of her, she often alters her personality to the point where she is unsure of who she really is, and what or who the real her is.
Yui is skilled in karate but has androphobia after she was almost raped in middle school. After receiving help from Tachi and Yoshifumi, she starts to be more comfortable with men though she has rejected Yoshifumi many times but later admits that she's just not ready for a relationship yet. She later overcomes her androphobia after Yoshifumi reaffirms his love for her (During the "turning into their younger selves" phenomenon)
Yoshifumi has a carefree attitude but is in love with Yui and does not hesitate to to show it seriously even though he was rejected by Yui many times. When he was younger, he vows to live his life to the fullest after a student from his class died. He used to date a girl called Nana back in middle school who looks like Yui. He began to question his love for Yui during the "turning into their younger selves" phenomenon.
Of all the characters, I love Himeko the best. She is so adorable and cute especially when she's embarrassed. And i almost died from the overflowing cuteness during the "turning into your younger selves" phenomenon when Himeko turned into a kid.
Mini Himeko <3 ISN'T SHE ADORABLE? |
Iori can't resist hugging her :3 (I WANNA HUG HER TOO) |
Yui and Iori unable to take Himeko's cuteness -- after hugging /playing/touching mini himeko for a period of time |
A scared Himeko hiding behind Tachi |